
vue3 에 tradingview 차트 연동 (소스추가)

소행성왕자 2023. 1. 19. 14:13



vue3 와 트레이딩뷰 차트 기본적인 설치는 아래 포스트 참고 하세요



트레이딩뷰챠트(tradingview) + vue3 기본차트 띄우기

vue3 를 사용하여 기본적인 트레이딩뷰챠트(lightweight-charts) 를 띄우려고 한다. KB star 에서 사용하던 vue3 프로젝트를 기본으로 한다. 트레이딩뷰챠트를 사용하기 위해 가장 먼저 해야 할 일은 lightwe



프로젝트 구조



import { createApp } from 'vue'
import './style.css'
import App from './AppChart.vue'
import store from './store'
import common from '@/js/common'
import AfterLogin from '@/js/class/AfterLogin'
import jQuery from 'jquery'
import mitt from 'mitt'
const emitter = mitt();

const coforwardUi = createApp(App);

coforwardUi.provide('emitter', emitter)

window.coforwardUi = coforwardUi;

global.$ = jQuery;



<script setup>
// This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
// Check out https://vuejs.org/api/sfc-script-setup.html#script-setup
import { ref } from 'vue';

 * There are example components in both API styles: Options API, and Composition API
 * Select your preferred style from the imports below:
import LWChart from './components/composition-api/LWChart.vue';
//import LWChart from './components/options-api/LWChart.vue';
import tradingviewVue from './components/tradingview.vue'
import nTestVue from './components/n-test.vue';
import W1101Vue from './components/W1101.vue';
import tviewVue from './components/tview.vue';
import tviewVue2 from './components/tview2.vue';
import tviewVue3 from './components/tview3.vue';

 * Generates sample data for the lightweight chart
 * @param  {Boolean} ohlc Whether generated dat should include open, high, low, and close values
 * @returns {Array} sample data
function generateSampleData(ohlc) {
  const randomFactor = 25 + Math.random() * 25;
  function samplePoint(i) {
    return (
      i *
        (0.5 +
          Math.sin(i / 10) * 0.2 +
          Math.sin(i / 20) * 0.4 +
          Math.sin(i / randomFactor) * 0.8 +
          Math.sin(i / 500) * 0.5) +

  const res = [];
  let date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
  const numberOfPoints = ohlc ? 100 : 500;
  for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; ++i) {
    const time = date.getTime() / 1000;
    const value = samplePoint(i);
    if (ohlc) {
      const randomRanges = [
        -1 * Math.random(),
      ].map((i) => i * 10);
      const sign = Math.sin(Math.random() - 0.5);
        low: value + randomRanges[0],
        high: value + randomRanges[1],
        open: value + sign * randomRanges[2],
        close: samplePoint(i + 1),
    } else {

    date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + 1);

  return res;

const chartOptions = ref({});
const data = ref(generateSampleData(false));
const seriesOptions = ref({
  color: 'rgb(45, 77, 205)',
const chartType = ref('line');
const lwChart = ref();

function randomShade() {
  return Math.round(Math.random() * 255);

const randomColor = (alpha = 1) => {
  return `rgba(${randomShade()}, ${randomShade()}, ${randomShade()}, ${alpha})`;

const colorsTypeMap = {
  area: [
    ['topColor', 0.4],
    ['bottomColor', 0],
    ['lineColor', 1],
  bar: [
    ['upColor', 1],
    ['downColor', 1],
  baseline: [
    ['topFillColor1', 0.28],
    ['topFillColor2', 0.05],
    ['topLineColor', 1],
    ['bottomFillColor1', 0.28],
    ['bottomFillColor2', 0.05],
    ['bottomLineColor', 1],
  candlestick: [
    ['upColor', 1],
    ['downColor', 1],
    ['borderUpColor', 1],
    ['borderDownColor', 1],
    ['wickUpColor', 1],
    ['wickDownColor', 1],
  histogram: [['color', 1]],
  line: [['color', 1]],

// Set a random colour for the series as an example of how
// to apply new options to series. A similar appraoch will work on the
// option properties.
const changeColors = () => {
  const options = {};
  const colorsToSet = colorsTypeMap[chartType.value];
  colorsToSet.forEach((c) => {
    options[c[0]] = randomColor(c[1]);
  seriesOptions.value = options;

const changeData = () => {
  const candlestickTypeData = ['candlestick', 'bar'].includes(chartType.value);
  const newData = generateSampleData(candlestickTypeData);
  data.value = newData;
  if (chartType.value === 'baseline') {
    const average =
      newData.reduce((s, c) => {
        return s + c.value;
      }, 0) / newData.length;
    seriesOptions.value = { baseValue: { type: 'price', price: average } };

const changeType = () => {
  const types = [
  ].filter((t) => t !== chartType.value);
  const randIndex = Math.round(Math.random() * (types.length - 1));
  chartType.value = types[randIndex];


  // call a method on the component.

const tObject = ref({ name:'kdh' , age:'27' });
const tBool = ref(false);
const tArray = ref([2,4,6,8]);


  <div class="chart-container">

  <button type="button" @click="changeColors">Set Random Colors</button>
  <button type="button" @click="changeType">Change Chart Type</button>
  <button type="button" @click="changeData">Change Data</button>

      :tObject = "tObject"
      :tBool = "tBool"
      :tArray = "tArray"
      ref="tradingviewVue" />

  <nTestVue ref="nTestVue"></nTestVue>
  <W1101Vue ref="W1101Vue"></W1101Vue>
  <tviewVue ref="tviewVue"></tviewVue>
  <tviewVue2 ref="tviewVue2"></tviewVue2>
  <tviewVue3 ref="tviewVue3"></tviewVue3>

<style scoped>
.chart-container {
  margin: auto;
  width: 90%;
  height: 250px;




<script setup>

import { ref, onMounted, defineProps } from 'vue';

const test = ref('ㅇㅇㅇ');
const t2Arr = ref(props.tArray.filter( v => v>4 ));

// 상위 컴포넌트로부터 데이터 받아온다
const props = defineProps({
	tObject: {
		type: Object,
		//default: { name:'kdh' , age:'20' },
	tBool: {
		type: Boolean,
	tArray: {
		type: Array,

	test.value = '테스트';


		{{ test }} <br>
		{{  props.tObject.name }} {{  props.tObject.age }} <br>
		{{  props.tBool }} <br>
		{{  props.tArray }} {{ t2Arr }}



    options API  /  components API 

<script setup>

import { 
} from 'vue';
import { useStore } from 'vuex';

const store = useStore();
const bus = inject('emitter');
const $common = inject('common');
const AfterLogin = inject('AfterLogin');

const obj = { user: { email: 'john@gmail.com' }};
const login = _ => {
    store.dispatch('login', obj );
const logout = _ => store.dispatch('logout');
const loginStatus = computed(_=>store.getters.loginStatus);

const sendTr1 =_=>{
    $common.dd('sendTr1() start');

    const tr = {};
    tr.trName = 'W1101';
    tr.id = store.getters.afterLogin.id;

        1. emitter 버스 보냄


const change = _=> {
    const res = { nc: {id:'W11zz', date:'2023.01.16', time:'13:05:37'} }
    const nowCrncy =_=> {
        store.dispatch('nowCrncy', res);
        $common.dd(store.getters.nowCrncy, 'nowCrncy 222')


//------- watch start --------------------//
watch(_=>store.getters.afterLogin, _=> {
    $common.dd('afterLogin value changes detected');    
    // afterLogin 받아왔으니 sendTr1() 호출후 nowCrncy 저장 

watch(_=>store.getters.nowCrncy, _=> {
    //const dt = new Dt();
    //$common.dd('nowCrncy value changes detected');  
    //$common.dd(store.getters.nowCrncy, `nowCrncy_${dt.getM()}:${dt.getS()} ${dt.getMS()}`);
    id.value = store.getters.nowCrncy.id;
}, {deep:true});

//--------- process layer start ------------//
let id = ref('');
const afterLoginProc = async()=>{
    const obj = { al: { id: 'naya', email: 'verylove@naver.com'} };
    const af = new AfterLogin(store, obj);
    const json = await af.fetch('https://reqbin.com/echo/get/json');
    $common.dd(json, 'fetch json 11')
    id.value = af.setStore()?? obj.al.id ;
    $common.dd(af.getStore(), 'afterLogin 111');

//----------- life cycle start --------//
    $common.dd('on Mounted');


    console.log('>>>> n-test.vue >>>');



        <h1 id="h11">n-test.vue</h1>
        <button @click="logout" v-if="loginStatus">Logout</button>
        <button @click="login" v-else>Login</button>
        <pre>loginStatus: {{ loginStatus }}</pre>
        <pre>id: {{ id }}</pre>




<script setup>
import { 
} from 'vue';
import { useStore } from 'vuex';

const store = useStore();
const bus = inject('emitter');

const dd = (data, header = false) => {
    if(header) {
    else console.log(data);

bus.on('n-test__W1101', (val) => {   
    dd(val, 'n-test__W1101'); 
    // nowCrncy 저장소에 저장
    const res = { nc: {id:'W6112S01', date:'2023.01.16', time:'11:05:37'} }
    const nowCrncy =_=> {
        store.dispatch('nowCrncy', res);
        dd(store.getters.nowCrncy, 'nowCrncy')

    }, 2000);




        <div id="t1"></div>

<script setup>
import { 
} from 'vue';
import { useStore } from 'vuex';
import { createChart } from 'lightweight-charts';

const store = useStore();
const bus = inject('emitter');

    const container = 't1'

const chart = createChart(container, { 
    width: 900, 
    height: 300, 
    priceScale: {
        position: 'right',
    layout: {
        background: { color: '#222' },
        textColor: '#DDD',
    grid: {
        vertLines: { color: '#444' },
        horzLines: { color: '#444' },

    borderColor: '#71649C',

// Setting the border color for the horizontal axis
    borderColor: '#71649C',
    barSpacing: 10,

const areaSeries = chart.addAreaSeries({ lineColor: '#2962FF', topColor: '#2962FF', bottomColor: 'rgba(41, 98, 255, 0.28)' });
    { time: '2018-12-22', value: 32.51 },
    { time: '2018-12-23', value: 31.11 },
    { time: '2018-12-24', value: 27.02 },
    { time: '2018-12-25', value: 27.32 },
    { time: '2018-12-26', value: 25.17 },
    { time: '2018-12-27', value: 28.89 },
    { time: '2018-12-28', value: 25.46 },
    { time: '2018-12-29', value: 23.92 },
    { time: '2018-12-30', value: 22.68 },
    { time: '2018-12-31', value: 22.67 },

const candlestickSeries = chart.addCandlestickSeries();
    { time: '2018-12-22', open: 75.16, high: 82.84, low: 36.16, close: 45.72 },
    { time: '2018-12-23', open: 45.12, high: 53.90, low: 45.12, close: 48.09 },
    { time: '2018-12-24', open: 60.71, high: 60.71, low: 53.39, close: 59.29 },
    { time: '2018-12-25', open: 68.26, high: 68.26, low: 59.04, close: 60.50 },
    { time: '2018-12-26', open: 67.71, high: 105.85, low: 66.67, close: 91.04 },
    { time: '2018-12-27', open: 91.04, high: 121.40, low: 82.70, close: 111.40 },
    { time: '2018-12-28', open: 111.51, high: 142.83, low: 103.34, close: 131.25 },
    { time: '2018-12-29', open: 131.33, high: 151.17, low: 77.68, close: 96.43 },
    { time: '2018-12-30', open: 106.33, high: 110.20, low: 90.39, close: 98.10 },
    { time: '2018-12-31', open: 109.87, high: 114.69, low: 85.66, close: 111.26 },







        <div id="t2"></div>

<script setup>
import { 
} from 'vue';
import { useStore } from 'vuex';
import { createChart } from 'lightweight-charts';

const store = useStore();
const bus = inject('emitter');

    const container = 't2'

const chart = createChart(container, { 
    width: 600,
    height: 300,
	priceScale: {
		scaleMargins: {
			top: 0.05,
			bottom: 0.55,
		borderVisible: false,
	layout: {
		backgroundColor: '#131722',
		textColor: '#d1d4dc',
	grid: {
		vertLines: {
			color: 'rgba(42, 46, 57, 0)',
		horzLines: {
			color: 'rgba(42, 46, 57, 0.6)',

var lineSeries = chart.addLineSeries({
	lineColor: 'rgba(38,198,218, 1)',
	lineWidth: 2,

var volumeSeries = chart.addHistogramSeries({
	color: '#26a69a',
	lineWidth: 2,
	priceFormat: {
		type: 'volume',
	overlay: true,
  scaleMargins: {
  	top: 0.6,
    bottom: 0,

	{ time: '2018-10-19', value: 54.90 },
	{ time: '2018-10-22', value: 54.98 },
	{ time: '2018-10-23', value: 57.21 },
	{ time: '2018-10-24', value: 57.42 },
	{ time: '2018-10-25', value: 56.43 },
	{ time: '2018-10-26', value: 55.51 },
	{ time: '2018-10-29', value: 56.48 },
	{ time: '2018-10-30', value: 58.18 },
	{ time: '2018-10-31', value: 57.09 },
	{ time: '2018-11-01', value: 56.05 },
	{ time: '2018-11-02', value: 56.63 },
	{ time: '2018-11-05', value: 57.21 },
	{ time: '2018-11-06', value: 57.21 },
	{ time: '2018-11-07', value: 57.65 },
	{ time: '2018-11-08', value: 58.27 },
	{ time: '2018-11-09', value: 58.46 },
	{ time: '2018-11-12', value: 58.72 },
	{ time: '2018-11-13', value: 58.66 },
	{ time: '2018-11-14', value: 58.94 },
	{ time: '2018-11-15', value: 59.08 },
	{ time: '2018-11-16', value: 60.21 },
	{ time: '2018-11-19', value: 60.62 },
	{ time: '2018-11-20', value: 59.46 },
	{ time: '2018-11-21', value: 59.16 },
	{ time: '2018-11-23', value: 58.64 },
	{ time: '2018-11-26', value: 59.17 },
	{ time: '2018-11-27', value: 60.65 },
	{ time: '2018-11-28', value: 60.06 },
	{ time: '2018-11-29', value: 59.45 },
	{ time: '2018-11-30', value: 60.30 },
	{ time: '2018-12-03', value: 58.16 },
	{ time: '2018-12-04', value: 58.09 },
	{ time: '2018-12-06', value: 58.08 },
	{ time: '2018-12-07', value: 57.68 },
	{ time: '2018-12-10', value: 58.27 },
	{ time: '2018-12-11', value: 58.85 },
	{ time: '2018-12-12', value: 57.25 },
	{ time: '2018-12-13', value: 57.09 },
	{ time: '2018-12-14', value: 57.08 },
	{ time: '2018-12-17', value: 55.95 },
	{ time: '2018-12-18', value: 55.65 },
	{ time: '2018-12-19', value: 55.86 },
	{ time: '2018-12-20', value: 55.07 },
	{ time: '2018-12-21', value: 54.92 },
	{ time: '2018-12-24', value: 53.05 },
	{ time: '2018-12-26', value: 54.44 },
	{ time: '2018-12-27', value: 55.15 },
	{ time: '2018-12-28', value: 55.27 },
	{ time: '2018-12-31', value: 56.22 },
	{ time: '2019-01-02', value: 56.02 },
	{ time: '2019-01-03', value: 56.22 },
	{ time: '2019-01-04', value: 56.36 },
	{ time: '2019-01-07', value: 56.72 },
	{ time: '2019-01-08', value: 58.38 },
	{ time: '2019-01-09', value: 57.05 },
	{ time: '2019-01-10', value: 57.60 },
	{ time: '2019-01-11', value: 58.02 },
	{ time: '2019-01-14', value: 58.03 },
	{ time: '2019-01-15', value: 58.10 },
	{ time: '2019-01-16', value: 57.08 },
	{ time: '2019-01-17', value: 56.83 },
	{ time: '2019-01-18', value: 57.09 },
	{ time: '2019-01-22', value: 56.99 },
	{ time: '2019-01-23', value: 57.76 },
	{ time: '2019-01-24', value: 57.07 },
	{ time: '2019-01-25', value: 56.40 },
	{ time: '2019-01-28', value: 55.07 },
	{ time: '2019-01-29', value: 53.28 },
	{ time: '2019-01-30', value: 54.00 },
	{ time: '2019-01-31', value: 55.06 },
	{ time: '2019-02-01', value: 54.55 },
	{ time: '2019-02-04', value: 54.04 },
	{ time: '2019-02-05', value: 54.14 },
	{ time: '2019-02-06', value: 53.79 },
	{ time: '2019-02-07', value: 53.57 },
	{ time: '2019-02-08', value: 53.95 },
	{ time: '2019-02-11', value: 54.05 },
	{ time: '2019-02-12', value: 54.42 },
	{ time: '2019-02-13', value: 54.48 },
	{ time: '2019-02-14', value: 54.03 },
	{ time: '2019-02-15', value: 55.16 },
	{ time: '2019-02-19', value: 55.44 },
	{ time: '2019-02-20', value: 55.76 },
	{ time: '2019-02-21', value: 56.15 },
	{ time: '2019-02-22', value: 56.92 },
	{ time: '2019-02-25', value: 56.78 },
	{ time: '2019-02-26', value: 56.64 },
	{ time: '2019-02-27', value: 56.72 },
	{ time: '2019-02-28', value: 56.92 },
	{ time: '2019-03-01', value: 56.96 },
	{ time: '2019-03-04', value: 56.24 },
	{ time: '2019-03-05', value: 56.08 },
	{ time: '2019-03-06', value: 55.68 },
	{ time: '2019-03-07', value: 56.30 },
	{ time: '2019-03-08', value: 56.53 },
	{ time: '2019-03-11', value: 57.58 },
	{ time: '2019-03-12', value: 57.43 },
	{ time: '2019-03-13', value: 57.66 },
	{ time: '2019-03-14', value: 57.95 },
	{ time: '2019-03-15', value: 58.39 },
	{ time: '2019-03-18', value: 58.07 },
	{ time: '2019-03-19', value: 57.50 },
	{ time: '2019-03-20', value: 57.67 },
	{ time: '2019-03-21', value: 58.29 },
	{ time: '2019-03-22', value: 59.76 },
	{ time: '2019-03-25', value: 60.08 },
	{ time: '2019-03-26', value: 60.63 },
	{ time: '2019-03-27', value: 60.88 },
	{ time: '2019-03-28', value: 59.08 },
	{ time: '2019-03-29', value: 59.13 },
	{ time: '2019-04-01', value: 59.09 },
	{ time: '2019-04-02', value: 58.53 },
	{ time: '2019-04-03', value: 58.87 },
	{ time: '2019-04-04', value: 58.99 },
	{ time: '2019-04-05', value: 59.09 },
	{ time: '2019-04-08', value: 59.13 },
	{ time: '2019-04-09', value: 58.40 },
	{ time: '2019-04-10', value: 58.61 },
	{ time: '2019-04-11', value: 58.56 },
	{ time: '2019-04-12', value: 58.74 },
	{ time: '2019-04-15', value: 58.71 },
	{ time: '2019-04-16', value: 58.79 },
	{ time: '2019-04-17', value: 57.78 },
	{ time: '2019-04-18', value: 58.04 },
	{ time: '2019-04-22', value: 58.37 },
	{ time: '2019-04-23', value: 57.15 },
	{ time: '2019-04-24', value: 57.08 },
	{ time: '2019-04-25', value: 55.85 },
	{ time: '2019-04-26', value: 56.58 },
	{ time: '2019-04-29', value: 56.84 },
	{ time: '2019-04-30', value: 57.19 },
	{ time: '2019-05-01', value: 56.52 },
	{ time: '2019-05-02', value: 56.99 },
	{ time: '2019-05-03', value: 57.24 },
	{ time: '2019-05-06', value: 56.91 },
	{ time: '2019-05-07', value: 56.63 },
	{ time: '2019-05-08', value: 56.38 },
	{ time: '2019-05-09', value: 56.48 },
	{ time: '2019-05-10', value: 56.91 },
	{ time: '2019-05-13', value: 56.75 },
	{ time: '2019-05-14', value: 56.55 },
	{ time: '2019-05-15', value: 56.81 },
	{ time: '2019-05-16', value: 57.38 },
	{ time: '2019-05-17', value: 58.09 },
	{ time: '2019-05-20', value: 59.01 },
	{ time: '2019-05-21', value: 59.50 },
	{ time: '2019-05-22', value: 59.25 },
	{ time: '2019-05-23', value: 58.87 },
	{ time: '2019-05-24', value: 59.32 },
	{ time: '2019-05-28', value: 59.57 },

	{ time: '2018-10-19', value: 19103293.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-10-22', value: 21737523.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-10-23', value: 29328713.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-10-24', value: 37435638.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-10-25', value: 25269995.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-10-26', value: 24973311.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-10-29', value: 22103692.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-10-30', value: 25231199.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-10-31', value: 24214427.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-01', value: 22533201.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-02', value: 14734412.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-05', value: 12733842.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-06', value: 12371207.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-07', value: 14891287.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-08', value: 12482392.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-09', value: 17365762.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-12', value: 13236769.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-13', value: 13047907.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-14', value: 18288710.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2018-11-20', value: 22028957.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-21', value: 18482233.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-23', value: 7009050.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-26', value: 12308876.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-27', value: 14118867.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-28', value: 18662989.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-11-29', value: 14763658.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2018-12-03', value: 27795428.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2018-12-27', value: 17530977.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-12-28', value: 14771641.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2018-12-31', value: 15331758.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2019-01-08', value: 21425008.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-01-09', value: 18136000.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-01-10', value: 14259910.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-01-11', value: 15801548.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2019-01-16', value: 13411691.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2019-01-18', value: 16802516.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2019-01-24', value: 12494109.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-01-25', value: 17806822.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-01-28', value: 25955718.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2019-02-15', value: 15719416.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2019-02-22', value: 12534431.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2019-02-26', value: 12005571.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
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	{ time: '2019-02-28', value: 15742971.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-01', value: 10942737.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-04', value: 13674737.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-05', value: 15749545.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-06', value: 13935530.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-07', value: 12644171.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-08', value: 10646710.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-11', value: 13627431.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-12', value: 12812980.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-13', value: 14168350.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-14', value: 12148349.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-15', value: 23715337.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-18', value: 12168133.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-19', value: 13462686.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-20', value: 11903104.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-21', value: 10920129.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-22', value: 25125385.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-25', value: 15463411.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-26', value: 12316901.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-27', value: 13290298.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-28', value: 20547060.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-03-29', value: 17283871.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-01', value: 16331140.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-02', value: 11408146.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-03', value: 15491724.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-04', value: 8776028.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-05', value: 11497780.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-08', value: 11680538.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-09', value: 10414416.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-10', value: 8782061.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-11', value: 9219930.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-12', value: 10847504.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-15', value: 7741472.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-16', value: 10239261.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-17', value: 15498037.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-18', value: 13189013.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-22', value: 11950365.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-23', value: 23488682.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-24', value: 13227084.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-25', value: 17425466.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-26', value: 16329727.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-29', value: 13984965.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-04-30', value: 15469002.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-01', value: 11627436.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-02', value: 14435436.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-03', value: 9388228.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-06', value: 10066145.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-07', value: 12963827.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-08', value: 12086743.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-09', value: 14835326.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-10', value: 10707335.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-13', value: 13759350.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-14', value: 12776175.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-15', value: 10806379.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-16', value: 11695064.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-17', value: 14436662.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-20', value: 20910590.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-21', value: 14016315.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-22', value: 11487448.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-23', value: 11707083.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-24', value: 8755506.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
	{ time: '2019-05-28', value: 3097125.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },





        <div id="t3"></div>

<script setup>
import { 
} from 'vue';
import { useStore } from 'vuex';
import { createChart } from 'lightweight-charts';

const store = useStore();
const bus = inject('emitter');


    const container = 't3'

    const chart = createChart(container, { 
        width: 600,
        height: 300,
        priceScale: {
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                top: 0.05,
                bottom: 0.55,
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    var lineSeries = chart.addLineSeries({
        lineColor: 'rgba(38,198,218, 1)',
        lineWidth: 2,
        { time: '2018-10-19', value: 54.90 },
        { time: '2018-10-22', value: 54.98 },
        { time: '2018-10-23', value: 57.21 },
        { time: '2018-10-24', value: 57.42 },
        { time: '2018-10-25', value: 56.43 },
        { time: '2018-10-26', value: 55.51 },
        { time: '2018-10-29', value: 56.48 },
        { time: '2018-10-30', value: 58.18 },
        { time: '2018-10-31', value: 57.09 },
        { time: '2018-11-01', value: 56.05 },

    const candlestickSeries = chart.addCandlestickSeries();
        { time: '2018-10-19', open: 75.16, high: 82.84, low: 36.16, close: 45.72 },
        { time: '2018-10-22', open: 45.12, high: 53.90, low: 45.12, close: 48.09 },
        { time: '2018-10-23', open: 60.71, high: 60.71, low: 53.39, close: 59.29 },
        { time: '2018-10-24', open: 68.26, high: 68.26, low: 59.04, close: 60.50 },
        { time: '2018-10-25', open: 67.71, high: 105.85, low: 66.67, close: 91.04 },
        { time: '2018-10-26', open: 91.04, high: 121.40, low: 82.70, close: 111.40 },
        { time: '2018-10-29', open: 111.51, high: 142.83, low: 103.34, close: 131.25 },
        { time: '2018-10-30', open: 131.33, high: 151.17, low: 77.68, close: 96.43 },
        { time: '2018-10-31', open: 106.33, high: 110.20, low: 90.39, close: 98.10 },
        { time: '2018-11-01', open: 109.87, high: 114.69, low: 85.66, close: 111.26 },

    const volumeSeries = chart.addHistogramSeries({
        color: '#26a69a',
        lineWidth: 2,
        priceFormat: {
            type: 'volume',
        overlay: true,
    scaleMargins: {
        top: 0.6,
        bottom: 0,
        { time: '2018-10-19', value: 19103293.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-22', value: 21737523.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-23', value: 29328713.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-24', value: 37435638.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-25', value: 25269995.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-26', value: 24973311.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-29', value: 22103692.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-30', value: 25231199.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-31', value: 24214427.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-11-01', value: 22533201.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },







export default {
    install:(app) => {
        const common = {
            cc(str) { 
                console.log('>>>>>common.js111 >>>>' + str);
            dd(data, header = false) {
                const dt = new Dt();
                console.log(`>>>>>: ${dt.getH()}:${dt.getM()}:${dt.getS()} ${dt.getMS()}`)
                if(header) {
                else console.log(data);

        const Dt = class {
            constructor() {
                this._now = new Date();
            getY() {}
            getM() {}
            getD() {}
            getH() { return this._now.getHours(); }
            getM() { return this._now.getMinutes(); }
            getS() { return this._now.getSeconds(); }
            getMS() { return this._now.getMilliseconds(); }




export default {
    install:(app) => {

        const AfterLogin = class {
            constructor(store, obj) {
                this._store = store;
                this._obj = obj;
            async fetch(url) {
                const res = await fetch(url, {
                    method: 'GET',
                    headers: {
                        'Accept': 'application/json',

                return  await res.json();
            setStore() {
                this._store.dispatch('afterLogin', this._obj);
            getStore() {
                return this._store.getters.afterLogin;

        app.provide('AfterLogin', AfterLogin);



트레이딩뷰 API



Getting started | Lightweight Charts



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GitHub - tradingview/lightweight-charts: Financial lightweight charts built with HTML5 canvas

Financial lightweight charts built with HTML5 canvas - GitHub - tradingview/lightweight-charts: Financial lightweight charts built with HTML5 canvas



    const container = 't3'

    const chart = createChart(container, { 
        width: 600,
        height: 300,
        priceScale: {
            scaleMargins: {
                top: 0.05,
                bottom: 0.55,
            borderVisible: false,
        layout: {
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        localization: {
            dateFormat: 'yyyy/MM/dd'

    var lineSeries = chart.addLineSeries({
        lineColor: 'rgba(38,198,218, 1)',
        lineWidth: 2,
        { time: '2018-10-19', value: 54.90 },
        { time: '2018-10-22', value: 54.98 },
        { time: '2018-10-23', value: 57.21 },
        { time: '2018-10-24', value: 57.42 },
        { time: '2018-10-25', value: 56.43 },
        { time: '2018-10-26', value: 55.51 },
        { time: '2018-10-29', value: 56.48 },
        { time: '2018-10-30', value: 58.18 },
        { time: '2018-10-31', value: 57.09 },
        { time: '2018-11-01', value: 56.05 },

    const candlestickSeries = chart.addCandlestickSeries();
        { time: '2018-10-19', open: 75.16, high: 82.84, low: 36.16, close: 45.72 },
        { time: '2018-10-22', open: 45.12, high: 53.90, low: 45.12, close: 48.09 },
        { time: '2018-10-23', open: 60.71, high: 60.71, low: 53.39, close: 59.29 },
        { time: '2018-10-24', open: 68.26, high: 68.26, low: 59.04, close: 60.50 },
        { time: '2018-10-25', open: 67.71, high: 105.85, low: 66.67, close: 91.04 },
        { time: '2018-10-26', open: 91.04, high: 121.40, low: 82.70, close: 111.40 },
        { time: '2018-10-29', open: 111.51, high: 142.83, low: 103.34, close: 131.25 },
        { time: '2018-10-30', open: 131.33, high: 151.17, low: 77.68, close: 96.43 },
        { time: '2018-10-31', open: 106.33, high: 110.20, low: 90.39, close: 98.10 },
        { time: '2018-11-01', open: 109.87, high: 114.69, low: 85.66, close: 111.26 },

    const volumeSeries = chart.addHistogramSeries({
        color: '#26a69a',
        lineWidth: 2,
        priceFormat: {
            type: 'volume',
        overlay: true,
    scaleMargins: {
        top: 0.6,
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        { time: '2018-10-19', value: 19103293.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-22', value: 21737523.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-23', value: 29328713.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-24', value: 37435638.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-25', value: 25269995.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-26', value: 24973311.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-29', value: 22103692.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-30', value: 25231199.00, color: 'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-10-31', value: 24214427.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },
        { time: '2018-11-01', value: 22533201.00, color: 'rgba(255,82,82, 0.8)' },




